How Do I Energize My Solar Plexus Chakra?

YELLOW Energy 3 Solar Plexus – Mind
Decision Making - Intellect - “I DO”- Vitality
Energetic Yellow
Is an uplifting and illuminating color that exudes hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun, creates enthusiasm for life, and is uplifting to the spirits. Creatively it is the color of new ideas and helps us find new ways of doing things.
Yellow is related to the ego and our sense of self-worth. It is how we feel about ourselves and perceived by others. Yellow makes us more mentally analytical, self-critical, and critical of others.
It can awaken greater confidence and optimism. Too much yellow of it can agitate and lead to nervousness and emotional instability.
Energetic Challenge
Is to achieve, fearlessly, and powerfully protect driven by action.
Healing Sounds
Chant VAM
Nanometers 570-590
THZ 500
Note E
Positive Archetypal Expression of Yellow
They approach everything as problem to be solved, detailed and precision workers. Yellow archetypes like to argue and work better alone. They are strong willed and judgemental about themselves and others.
Yellow archetypes feel the need to be right, make good attorneys, accountants, and statisticians. They creatively make good dental technicians, watchmakers, entertainers, comics, or clowns.
Yellow Archetypes need to learn to commit to joy, humour and playfulness, the positive aspects. They are practical thinkers, creative and inspire original thought and inquisitiveness. Yellow archetypes are great communicators, love to talk, and make great networkers and journalists.
They are constantly analyzing, looking at both sides to make decisions, methodical and decisive, and have attention to detail. Yellow archetypes love a challenge and make quick decisions with clear thinking.
Negative Archetypal Expression of Yellow
When they are going through a lot of changes or having trouble coping in life they may not be able to tolerate its energy very as it can be anxiety producing.
Yellow archetypes may come off as a discriminating, prejudice, and stubborn. They are skeptics who question everything “if I can’t see it or touch it” it does not exist attitude. Yellow archetypes are systematic and organized, and interested in proof.
Too much yellow can lead to a childlike innocence of unabashed play and inexperience. It can be seen as not serious, weakness and passivity. Yellow archetypes are known as non-emotional coming from the head, not the heart. They would rather not get involved emotionally.
Yellow relates to digestion, stomach, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, liver and the breakdown and assimilation of nutrients. It is a purifier for the skin. Yellow has a nurturing femininity, playfulness, youthfulness and promotes good health. Too much yellow can be physically draining, inhibiting, and timid.
Yellow is related to expression, integration of new ideas and thoughts. It deals with analysis, intellectualism and logic, eccentricity, judgment, study, learning and self-control. Yellow resonates with the left or logical side of the brain and stimulates our mental faculties, mental agility, and acquired knowledge.
Yellow helps us to experience Joy, inspiration, optimism, tenderness, and affection, reminding us of our first love. It is romantic, cheerful and regulates our mood. Too much yellow presents as emotionless, cowardice, and even confusing. It can also cause us to be overly emotional and aggressive.
Yellow is the application of the higher mind and pure intellect or attainment. It is associated with a higher spiritual state of being.
When using aromas on skin be sure to combine with a suitable base.
Grapefruit, Rosemary Bergamot and Ginger
Helps to increase our mind power, keep us alert and exhilarated. It can motivate our thoughts into fruition. A few drops on our Solar Plexus chakra will assist our digestive systems as well as
our mental abilities.
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