How Do I Energize My Sacral Chakra?

Orange Energy 2 Sacral – Adventure - Ambition Communication – Relationships - “I FEEL” - Creation
Energetically Orange
It radiates and exudes warmth, joy and happiness. It is known as a youthful color. Orange is optimistic, extroverted, uninhibited, and spontaneous. It represents friendship, group socializing, parties, and community.
It encourages us to take account of our lives, to face consequences, and to take action. Orange is adventurous and risk-taking inspiring physical confidence and enthusiasm, as well as competition and independence.
It increases our energy level and metabolism. Too much orange exposure can cause impatience and domineering behaviour, encourage exhibitionism, or showing-off.
Energetic Challenge
Is to lead, maintain healthy boundaries and relationships driven by action.
Healing Sounds
Chant VAM.
Nanometers 590-620
THz 480
Note D
Positive Archetypal Expression of Orange
They are saucy, vibrant, fun, and ambitious. They are attention getters,
flamboyant, and socially vibrant. They also make appropriate changes and move onward and upward with full vitality.
Orange is an expression of our vital, dynamic life force. Orange archetypes are very motivating characters who inspire people to get things done. They are Inspirational, hardworking, Inventive, resilient, and great communicators.
Orange archetypes are generally drama queens that are free spirits, have a high self-esteem, and financial copers.They are outgoing, friendly, approachable, strong-minded, and not pushy. Orange archetypes are charming, have great showmanship, and are natural helpers that uplift people.
They are non-judgemental, gypsy souls, are freedom-lovers discovering the world, and on the go. Orange archetypes are upbeat, instinctual, are not patient, live on the edge, and are clutter bugs. They are conversation encouragers and socializers.
Orange archetypes are focused, determined, good negotiators, and diplomatic. They are intellectually prideful, understanding, tolerant, and motivators. Orange archetypes are active in community work; learn group contribution, are social status achievers, and very egotistical.
Negative Archetypal Expression of Orange
They can be strident, strategic, Inconsistent, not authentic or ambitious. They
try to people please but end up pleasing none. Orange archetypes can be overbearing, and need to learn to deal with people.
They can be manipulative, political, ambitious, an action promoter, and side track themselves doing many things. Orange archetypes are usually successful, can be personally selfish and social disrupters.
They need to learn to work within a harmonious social context. Orange archetypes have to learn to contribute to groups as a whole using their energies in positive ways to motivate others.
Orange helps to restore physical balance to our energies. It relates our gut instincts (reactions), warns of danger or caution. Orange represents sexuality and fertility. It is an active color inspiring creativity and adventure.
Orange stimulates appetite, bodily functions, and aids in digestion and elimination. It is one of the strongest measurable physical effects of any color.
Orange is active, but a less irritating color that is mentally stimulating, optimistic, uplifting, and rejuvenating. It is used to broaden our minds and assist with sharping our awareness.
Orange helps us learn negotiation skills, diplomacy and pride bringing a positive outlook on life. It helps people move on and is forward and outward thinking, and stimulates two way conversations and social interaction
Orange can offer emotional strength in difficult times. It stimulates warm heightened motivation for our well-being and passions. Orange promotes ambition, motivating behaviors, action, a pride of intellect, a mastery of will and mastery of others.
It can present as political and manipulative. Orange helps us to bounce back from disappointments and despair, assisting
in recovery from grief.
Orange is a promoter of conscious control over physical functions and expressing our beliefs. It is vital and a dynamic life force. Orange represents the sun, earth’s abundance, autumn.
It provides a sense of wholeness, contentment, soul rejuvenation, and hope. Orange is a highly active spirit keeping us looking on the bright side of life. It aids in the assimilation of new ideas, frees the spirit of its limitations, and encourages self-respect and respect of others.
When using aromas on skin be sure to combine with a suitable base.
It is cheering, refreshing and uplifting, cleansing, rejuvenating, energizing, sensual, stimulating, anxiety reducer.
Ylang ylang and Jasmine
They are uplifting, positive outlook, cheering up your day, happiness, enthusiasm and self-assurance.
Orange, Lemongrass and Neroli
Is excellent at dispelling depression, grief, sadness and anxiety, facilitates deep breathing, alleviating allergies. Place a few drops on the wrist, in a diffuser, on a tissue or pomander and place on a desk
or in the car.
Want to take a deep dive? Book a free discovery call with me.
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